
Minecraft godzilla mod dimsension
Minecraft godzilla mod dimsension

minecraft godzilla mod dimsension

True for biomes generation in the "Large Biomes" world type.

  • large_biomes: Whether the biomes are large.
  • Setting one to 0 effectively disables that frequency component. The resultant Perlin noise value at a certain coordinate is not just a simple sum of the independent components. This list further modifies the amplitudes by making low/high frequency features more or less pronounced. Higher octaves have intrisically lower amplitudes in Perlin noise. Octaves further down the list have higher frequencies (double at each step).
  • amplitudes: The amplitudes of consecutive octaves.
  • Incrementing it by 1 doubles the frequency of the base octave. Lower values make the whole amplitudes sequence affect lower frequencies (smoother).
  • firstOctave: The octave the first amplitude in the list is associated with.
  • Increasting this makes the biome rarer, without altering the biome placement.
  • offset: Similar to the other parameters but offset is 0 everywhere, thus setting this parameter nearer to 0 gives the biome a greater edge over others, all else being equal.
  • A depth of 0 is at the surface, a depth of 1 is at 128 blocks below the surface. This is the only parameter that can vary when moving vertically.
  • erosion: In the overworld, high erosion corresponds to flat terrain.
  • continentalness: Low continentalness corresponds to ocean terrain, high continentalness to inlands terrain.
  • humidity: Used to place similar biomes near each other.
  • minecraft godzilla mod dimsension

    Not to be confused with the temperature value listed on Biome. temperature: Used to place similar biomes near each other.Parameter combinations should be unique in the biomes list, otherwise only the first biome entry will generate. For example, if the point were to have values of -1 temperature, 0.2 humidity, 0.5 altitude and 0 weirdness then birch_forest_hills (-0.1t,0.2h,0.25a,0w) would be chosen over desert (0.5t,-0.5h,0a,0w). At any specific point, the biome having parameters most closely resembling the respective parameter on each noise map at that point is chosen. These values do not affect the generation of terrain within biomes, they affect where the game chooses to place biomes. parameters: Represent optimal conditions for where the biome should be placed.A single biome ID may be repeated several times with different parameters. biomes: A list of biomes, including their target noise parameters.preset: A preset of the set of biomes to be used, mutually exclusive with biomes.If type is multi_noise: 3D biome generation used in the nether, and in the overworld in snapshot 21w37a and after.

    minecraft godzilla mod dimsension

    One of multi_noise, fixed, checkerboard, or the_end. Arguments lie in the biome_source compound. biome_source: Settings dictating which biomes and biome shapes.See Custom world generation#Noise settings for more information. Can be set to a string to use a preset defined in the worldgen/noise_settings folder with a list of customized options. settings: The noise settings used in the terrain generator.In most cases, this is exactly the same as the world seed, but can be different and the dimension generated is based upon this seed and not the world seed. seed: The seed used to generate the dimension.

    #Minecraft godzilla mod dimsension generator

  • type: The ID of the generator (in this case, minecraft:noise).
  • generator: Generation settings used for the dimension.

  • Minecraft godzilla mod dimsension